Student Loans

Student Loans

How and when do i apply for a Student Loan?

Click on the links below to find out how and when to apply for student loans.  If you need assistance, please contact the Finance Office or Student Services.

I've been approved for my Student Loan - now what?

You must now get the “Confirmation of Enrolment” portion of the  Schedule 1 Loan Form signed by the Finance Officer at St. Peter’s College.

Once you have registered for your classes through PAWS, bring your Schedule 1 Loan Form  to the Finance Office at St. Peter’s College.

Student Loan forms cannot be signed more than 30 days prior to the start date of classes.

Do i pay the college directly or is a cheque issued by Student Loans?

The total of tuition and assessed fees for first and second term courses will be input by the Finance Officer on to the schedule 1 Loan Form.  Payment will then be made directly to St. Peter’s College by Canada/Provincial Student Loans.

What if i need help?

Don’t panic, we’re here to help you.  Feel free to contact Student Services if you have any questions or would like help filling out the form.Â